Parish News

Quinto Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario / Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Todos buscan a Cristo, algunos de una manera expresa y esforzada, otros quizá sin ser conscientes de ello, 'ya que nuestro corazón está inquieto y no encuentra descanso hasta reposar en Él'" (San Agustín).

Cure of Demoniac / Curación del Endemoniado

The man with an unclean spirit cried out, what have you to do with us Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God!” these are the words of a man possessed with unclean spirit.

Arrepiéntete, Cree, y Sigue a Dios / Repent, Believe and Follow God

“Arrepiéntete, Cree, y Sigue a Dios” (Mc 1, 15). ¿Cuándo me han pedido que haga algo relacionado con Dios que no quería hacer? ¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas que dejé atrás para seguir a Dios?

Call to Discipleship / Llamado al Discipulado

There's a saying, “Jesus didn't call the qualified, que qualifies the call”. He didn't set any criteria to become a disciple. He simply claled them by name. In our gospel, Jesus called his first disciples Peter and his brother Andrew. They followed Jesus because they heard about Jesus.

Holy Family “Presentation of Jesus” / Sagrada Familia “Presentación ee Jesús”

Happy Feast of the Holy Family to all your family and loved ones! I pray that your family be guided and protected by the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and that your family be blessed with every blessing you need! What makes the Holy Family HOLY?

Cuarto Domingo de Adviento / Fourth Sunday of Advent

"Jesús nació en la humildad de un establo, de una familia pobre. Unos sencillos pastores son los primeros testigos del acontecimiento. En esta pobreza se manifiesta la gloria del cielo" (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, # 525).

Third Sunday of Advent / 3er Domingo de Adviento

Happy “Gaudete” Sunday! Gaudete means rejoice! We need to rejoice and be happy because it’s almost Christmas, a season of love, joy, peace, unity, a season to remind us that God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son Jesus born in the manger for us.

Segundo Domingo de Adviento / Second Sunday of Advent

“Sabemos de una triple venida del Señor. En la primera, Cristo fue nuestra redención; en la última, aparecerá como nuestra vida; en ésta, es nuestro descanso y nuestro consuelo” (San Bernardo).

Be Watchful, Be Alert / Atentos, Estén Alerta

Welcome to the season of Advent. We come this far to remind us that God loves us and no matter what life brings in the past, God is always there for us. Praise God for he Continuously showers his blessings upon us. Let us also continuously love Him thru the Eucharist.

Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Rey del Universo / Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Dice San Ignacio de Loyola que “Hay que poner el amor más en las obras que en las palabras. El Evangelio de hoy es muy ilustrativo.