Parish News

Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario / Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"El Evangelio de hoy nos habla de la presencia de alguien que expulsaba demonios en nombre de Jesús, pero que no andaba con el grupo de Jes

Servant to All /Servidor de Todos

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” the disicples were arguing who is the greatest among them but Jesus taught them that the greatest is the servant of all.

Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario / Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"A veces, el llamado de Dios al servicio puede ignorarse o dejarse para después, y los recursos se gastan en otras cosas. La actitud del 'primero yo' parece predominar en nuestra cultura. Santiago reta a las personas a hacer buenas obras.

Ephphata - Be Opened / Ephphata - Abrete

There are things in life that hinder us from listening to God's words. The material world perhaps blocked us from attentively listening to God's voice in our lives.

¿Dónde está la carne? / Where's the beef?

¿Dónde está la carne? Cuál es la esencia de la religión? “Pongan en práctica esa Palabra y no se limiten a escucharla”.

You Have the Words of Eternal Life / Tienes Palabras de Vida Eterna

In this journey called life as followers of God, there are times when we get lost and feel dry in our faith. There are times when we have already learned the values of God but still followed worldly cares.

Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario / Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

La relación más íntima posible con Jesús es en la Eucaristía.

I am the Bread of Life / Yo soy el Pan de Vida

For many countries, bread is like a staple food to satisfy hunger, something very common food even in the ancient times. There are so many kinds of bread. Jesus tells the Jews that He is the bread that comes down from heaven.

Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario / Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Las “escenas de burla al Cristianismo” en la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de verano de 2024 en París, Francia, No Son Aceptables.

Multiplication of Loaves / Multiplicación de Panes

This Sunday's Gospel reminds me of the story of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta about a Hindu mother of eight children who approached her and asked for food. St. Mother Teresa gave this women a bag of rice, then to her surprise the mother divided the bag of rice into two and went out to a Muslim family next door whom she knew was hungry too.